Daily Tours

St. Michaels is a working Permaculture project. We continue our mission of regenerative agriculture through the money earned by giving tours, classes, our food, and products.

Thank you for supporting us!

Shoot us an email for a tour reservation.

$35 per person.

Disc Golf reservations 7 days a week.

Playing disc golf

The rules are similar to the rules used in the “Golf Club” game: Each hole begins with an exit, followed by subsequent shots until the players hit the basket. Our club is much more than a regular club, it is a club more in the field. Our course is a place to grow food naturally.

$25 per person.

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Wednesdays: Disc Golf members meet.

Become a member for $25. Contact us for more info.

Permaculture Design Course.

Join our course packed with intelligent information to design your life and environment in revolutionary Permaculture style that Bill Mollison has shared with us.

Permaculture design, swales

Detox Retreat

Cleanse your body of toxins. The natural processes of detoxifying your body exist to deal with toxins that we can not avoid. You can help your body carry out these cleaning processes. Try it, learn about it and motivate yourself to stay clean at home.

medicinal plants

Charity Event

Volunteer event in annual Christmas gift delivery to local schools. Stay in touch with us if you would like to help.

Charity event for local school

Weddings, corporate retreats, family reunions and private parties are available.

Our beautiful pool and “Rancho” Community Center make a beautiful setting for your special event. Contact us for more info.

Fiesta at the Permaculture Country Club

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